AEM Sites: Develop Websites and Components using Adobe Experience Manager v6.3


Develop Websites and Components in Adobe Experience Manager v6.x is formerly known as AEM Sites: Developer. This training programme, teaches the fundamentals of building a custom website based on templates and components. It provides conceptual information on JCR, web framework, and OSGi framework. Using CRXDE Lite, students will develop a custom website while reinforcing the fundamental concepts, such as components, templates, dynamic image rendering, navigation, and modularization. It also covers responsive design with hands-on activities.

This training has deep coverage on Slightly—the tinplating language that helps front-end developers to quickly develop components.


This training is specially designed for developers who want to learn more about application development with the Adobe Experience Manager Sites.

Course Prerequisites

Its mandatory to have a minimum two years of experience in web development. Additionally would require the following skill sets:

  • Experience in HTML, CSS, DHTML
  • Java (optional)
  • JavaScript in client side environment

Course Content / Exam(s)

Schedule for AEM Sites: Develop Websites and Components using Adobe Experience Manager v6.3 Training & Certification Courses

Course# Course Name Exam# Duration (days)
20740B AEM Sites: Develop Websites and Components using Adobe Experience Manager v6.3 Training & Certification Courses 70-740 5

AEM Sites: Develop Websites and Components using Adobe Experience Manager v6.3 Benefits

After Successful completion this course, you will be able to:-

  • Develop applications with Adobe Experience Manager Sites
  • Execute basic Adobe Experience Manager development practicesL
  • Make the Navigation Component Responsive
  • Create a complex navigation component with a Java Helper
  • Create a complex Navigation component with a Javascript Helper
  • Comparing Overlays with Sling Resource Merger
  • Extend the Dialog box to provide the author with more options
  • Describe the architecture of Adobe Experience Manager
  • Perform basic authoring tasks andCreate and manage packages
  • Describe the steps of Sling script resolution
  • Design and develop a responsive and modern site using HTL
  • Inherit and customize existing components
  • Build your own content and structure components
  • Work with client libraries
  • Internationalize your content using Mixins

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