MySQL for Database Administrators Ed4


This Course of Database Administrators course transmit DBAs and other database professionals in what way to generate the most of their organization savings in MySQL and about the benefit of using the MySQL Cloud Service. Achieve to configure the MySQL Server, set up repetition and security, Execute database backups, optimize query performance, and certify high obtainability. Course Objectives: Install and configure MySQL Server and client programs. Observe the key components of the MySQL architecture. Protect our server. Troubleshoot server slowdowns and other issues. Advance query performance. Construct and administer a variability of replication topologies. Understand the advanatages of MySQL Cloud.

Course Prerequisites

  • Well known with relational database concepts and using the mysql command-line client
  • Proficient with MySQL data types and executing basic DDL and DML queries using SQL
  • Comprehend in Joining tables
  • Mysql linux developers
  • MySQL Fundamentals Ed 1

Course Content / Exam(s)

Schedule for MySQL-for-database-administrators-ed4 Training & Certification Courses

Course# Course Name Exam# Duration (days)
20740B MySQL-for-database-administrators-ed4 Training & Certification Courses 70-740 5

MySQL-for-database-administrators-ed4 Benefits

After Successful completion this course, you will be able to:-

With this course we will be equipped to use all the structures of MySQL to get the finest out of our Web, Cloud, and embedded applications, whether we work with the mandate line or graphical tools such as MySQL Workbench and MySQL Enterprise Monitor, whether we use on premise or MySQL Cloud-based illustrations, and whether we protest is multifaceted repetition necessities, or highly-tuned tran sactional systems. Mysql create database

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